My current research interests lie in the fields of green communication,
channel modeling, wireless ray tracing, adversarial communication, satellite communication, etc.
Waste Factor: A New Metric for Evaluating Power Efficiency in any Cascade (Jan. 2023 - Now)
Prof. Theodore S. Rappaport (Member of US National Academy of Engineering, Founding Director of NYU WIRELESS, IEEE Fellow)
Developed a novel metric, Waste Factor, to evaluate power efficiency in ANY cascaded systems.
Enhanced Waste Factor for data center analysis using power usage effectiveness (PUE).
Simulated component efficiency impacts on Waste Factor at different frequencies in a 1 kmĀ² cellular cell.
Extended the metric to analyze parallel/MIMO systems and radio access networks (RAN), and help drive decision making for wireless networks.
FR3 Radio Propagation Measurement and Modeling in 6.75 GHz and 16.95 GHz (Nov. 2023 - Now)
Prof. Theodore S. Rappaport (Member of US National Academy of Engineering, Founding Director of NYU WIRELESS, IEEE Fellow)
Conducted comprehensive FR3 measurement campaigns at NYU for 6.75 GHz and 16.95 GHz frequencies.
Creating a detailed statistical spatial channel model based on radio propagation data from outdoor, indoor, and factory environments together with penetration loss and cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) measurement at 6.75 GHz and 16.95 GHz.
Capacity of a Binary Channel with a Time-Bounded Adversary (Feb. 2024 - Now)
Pioneered an AI-powered automated framework for material-embedded 3D modeling, revolutionizing wireless ray tracing simulation accuracy for mmWave and sub-THz frequencies.
Developed an innovative multi-stage pipeline combining transformer-based semantic segmentation (SAM2/VLLM) with high-resolution 3D reconstruction (MASt3R-SfM) to map material properties seamlessly.
Validated framework effectiveness using NVIDIA Sionna RT, demonstrating significant improvements in channel impulse response prediction and multipath propagation modeling for indoor environments.
Developed and optimized an energy-efficient, wireless-powered backscatter communication network using OFDMA and robust optimization techniques, significantly improving network throughput and reducing outage probability under imperfect CSI.
Utilized the Dinkelbach method and variable substitution to transform the resource allocation problem into a convex optimization problem, solved using the Lagrange dual method.
Demonstrated superior performance and robustness through MATLAB simulations, outperforming traditional backscatter and harvest-then-transmit algorithms.
Research Training Program of CQUPT (Apr. 2021 - Apr. 2022)
Proposed a joint radio resource and passive beamforming optimization scheme for a downlink RIS-assisted wireless powered communication network with a harvest-then-transmit protocol to improve the system energy efficiency (EE).
Jointly optimized the active beamforming of the PS and the passive beamforming of the RIS.
Conference Papers
Mingjun Ying, Dipankar Shakya, Theodore S. Rappaport, Peng Ma, Yilong Wang, Ibrahim Al-Wazani, Yuxuan Wu, and Hitesh Poddar. "Upper Mid-Band Channel Measurements and Characterization at 6.75 GHz FR1(C) and 16.95 GHz FR3 in an Indoor Factory Scenario." IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2025 (accepted). [PDF]
Dipankar Shakya, Mingjun Ying, Theodore S. Rappaport, Peng Ma, Ibrahim Al-Wazani, Yuxuan Wu, Yilong Wang, Doru Calin, Hazem Bazzi, Meryem Chafii, Yunchou Xing, and Amitabha Ghosh. "Urban Outdoor Propagation Measurements and Channel Models at 6.75 GHz FR1(C) and 16.95 GHz FR3 Upper Mid-band Spectrum for 5G and 6G." IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2025 (accepted). [PDF]
Theodore S. Rappaport, Dipankar Shakya, and Mingjun Ying. "Point Data for Site-Specific Mid-band Radio Propagation Channel Statistics in the Indoor Hotspot (InH) Environment for 3GPP and Next Generation Alliance (NGA) Channel Modeling." IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2025 (accepted). [PDF]
Dipankar Shakya, Mingjun Ying, and Theodore S. Rappaport. "Angular Spread Statistics for 6.75 GHz FR1(C) and 16.95 GHz FR3 Mid-Band Frequencies in an Indoor Hotspot Environment." IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Milan, Italy, Mar. 2025 (accepted). [PDF]
Mingjun Ying, Fatih Baris Sarpkaya, Serdar Bakirtas, Elza Erkip, Theodore S. Rappaport, and Sundeep Rangan. "Capacity of a Binary Channel with a Time-Bounded Adversary." 58th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Oct. 2024 (to appear).
Mingjun Ying, Dipankar Shakya, and Theodore S. Rappaport. "Using Waste Factor to Optimize Energy Efficiency in Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) and Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Systems." IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 2024. [PDF]
Dipankar Shakya, Mingjun Ying, Theodore S. Rappaport, Hitesh Poddar, Peng Ma, Yilong Wang, and Ibrahim Al-Wazani. "Propagation Measurements and Channel Models in Indoor Environment at 6.75 GHz FR1(C) and 16.95 GHz FR3 Upper-Mid Band Spectrum for 5G and 6G." IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 2024. [PDF]
Dipankar Shakya, Mingjun Ying, Theodore S. Rappaport, Hitesh Poddar, Peng Ma, Yilong Wang, and Ibrahim Al-Wazani. "Wideband Penetration Loss through Building Materials and Partitions at 6.75 GHz in FR1(C) and 16.95 GHz in the FR3 Upper Mid-band Spectrum." IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 2024. [PDF]
Mingjun Ying, Dipankar Shakya, Hitesh Poddar, and Theodore S. Rappaport. "Waste Factor: A New Metric for Evaluating Power Efficiency in Any Cascade." IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023. [PDF] (Best Paper Award)
Mingjun Ying and Shuyu Wang. "Self-Optimizing Water-Filling Power Allocation: A Hybrid Fractional Frequency Reuse Way." 13th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), Porto, Portugal, Jul. 2022. [PDF]
Mingjun Ying and Shuyu Wang. "Capacity Analysis and Hybrid Power Allocation for Multi-cell 5G Networks." 11th International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS), Singapore, Dec. 2022. [PDF]
Yuhao Lian, Mingjun Ying, Shuyu Wang, and Yuhua Wang. "An Efficient Maximum Subcarrier Power Detection Scheme for OFDM-IM Systems." International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), Marrakesh, Morocco, Jun. 2023. [PDF]
Yuhao Lian, Mingjun Ying, Shuyu Wang, and Yuhua Wang. "An Efficient Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform Based OFDM-IM Scheme with Lower PAPR." Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), Boston, MA, USA, Apr. 2023. [PDF]
Journal Articles
Dipankar Shakya, Mingjun Ying, Theodore S. Rappaport, Hitesh Poddar, Peng Ma, Yilong Wang, and Ibrahim Al-Wazani. "Comprehensive FR1(C) and FR3 Lower and Upper Mid-Band Propagation and Material Penetration Loss Measurements and Channel Models in Indoor Environment for 5G and 6G." IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 5, Jul. 2024. [PDF]
Theodore S. Rappaport, Mingjun Ying, Nicola Piovesan, Angelo De Domenico, and Dipankar Shakya. "Waste Factor and Waste Figure: A Unified Theory for Modeling and Analyzing Wasted Power in Radio Access Networks for Improved Sustainability." IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 5, Jul. 2024. [PDF]
Theodore S. Rappaport, Mingjun Ying, and Dipankar Shakya. "Waste Figure and Waste Factor: New Metrics for Evaluating Power Efficiency in Any Circuit or Cascade." Microwave Journal, vol. 67, no. 5, May 2024. [PDF]
Yongjun Xu, Mingjun Ying, and Qianbin Chen. "A Robust Energy Efficiency Optimization Method for RIS-Assisted WPCNs." Chinese Patent CN113613273A, Nov. 5, 2021. Link
Yongjun Xu, Mingjun Ying, and Jihua Zhou. "A Robust Resources Allocation Algorithm for RIS-Enhanced WPCNs." Chinese Patent CN113825159A, Dec. 21, 2021. Link
National Scholarship
First-Class Scholarship of CQUPT
GLOBECOM 2023 Best Paper Award
Li Publication Award from NYU
Meritorious Winner of the MCM/ICM
Second Prize of the CUMCM